The concept of this urban intervention was to create a park with a strong environmental focus, geared towards leisure, sports, culture and entertainment, while also providing environmental education for the population.
The 4 km waterfront would feature several sections for various age groups, dedicated to sports activities, health, recreation and contemplation. The area called ‘Bico de Pato’ (duck-bill), wedged between the Sergipe and Poxim Rivers, will be dedicated to environmental education and quiet contemplation.
The Eco-museum will structure the concept of an “eco-park”, systematically coordinating the process of environmental preservation and conservation. The three most expressive architectural focal points of the project will be the waterfront kiosks, the amphitheater and the Eco-museum.
Location Orla do bairro Coroa do Meio, Aracaju – Sergipe
Land area 420.000 m²
Constructed area área de intervenção – 420.000m²
Author of the project Luiz Eduardo Indio da Costa
Contributors Guto Indio da Costa e Fernando Chacel
Year of design / construction 2008 / not executed