Brazil’s presence in Antarctica is not only a matter of scientific strategy, but also one of continental identity, connected to our recognition as a people of “The New World”.
The Brazilian Antarctica Program is an important national scientific achievement. However, the design of the village that will house the participants of this mission will be an expression of the spirit of conquering new frontiers and mankind’s respect for nature. Reducing the impact of human occupation in the practically virgin territory, where climatological adversities and an exotic and exuberant landscape predominate , has become much more than a choice, but an obligation.
The resource economy, the complete elimination of waste and emissions and the facilitation of logistical, mechanical and human operations are pre-requisites of the project, justified by reducing the impact on the environment and the reduction of operational costs, allowing more resources to be allocated to scientific research.
The unique natural setting created by the rich geography of the location suggested an intervention closely connected to the context, an architecture that symbolically sprouts from the soil and naturally fits into the geography of the location. The image that has intuitively inspired us is that of the pebble: sedimentary mineral forms sculpted by nature over time, through the course of water, representing the soil of this frigid beach.
Based on this rationale, the three main buildings of the new Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station are positioned to make the most of the bay, the topography of the area and especially the strength of the predominating winds, restricting the base to those areas that are suitable for occupation, as described in the Environmental Zoning Guidelines.
The research station’s shape reconciles an open and dynamic space, with a modular and rational design and construction, 100% pre-built and easy to assemble.
Location Antarctica
Constructed area 3435,00m²
Project author Luiz Eduardo Indio da Costa
Co-authors Adriano Carneiro de Mendonça, Flavia Svissero Tenan e Aline Tomasco Zorzo.
Contributors Leonardo Lopes, João Maró, Roberta Leite, Ana Paula Pontes, Amanda Landeiro, Mateus Rosa, Raphael Madeira, Gabriela Folly and Renata Ribeiro).
Consultants Buro Happold (Electromechanical installations, energy generation and automation) Expedition Engineering (Structural calculations and constructive system) PS2 (visual communication)
Year of design / construction 2013